Healthy Living - Physically And Mentally

Over the years I have come up with my 5 easy rules for eating healthy. Clean your pantry or fridge by tossing all chips, canned goods, instant noodles, cookies etc into the trash. WHO SAID 5 A DAY AND WHY DID THEY SAY IT?: Who said 5 a day?


Staying healthy requires common sense and logic. Exercise, eating right, stop smoking, sleep right, reduce stress, take care of your teeth, and have a good attitude are just a few things that can provide health in your life. Follow the advice of your doctor and lose a few pounds if you are overweight.

5). Aside from exercise, health and fitness psychologist have advice that we must live a life of purpose. When you live a life with passion, based on purpose or mission, your immune system will be stronger. You are happier and according to one study, you will live 10 years longer.

Bottom line, Healthy living advice living is about your action, about you putting one foot in front of the other and going forward. Use your heart, it's in charge, to know what's right. Use your brain to think, before you shove that next 'heart attack' on a plate Useful healthy habits into your mouth!

Always find time to relax. You can either go to a place like a vacation spot or just have a once a month facial and spa treatment. This will certainly take off of your worries and body aches.

Adapt workouts in your lifestyle: Miracle pills and fad programs do not really work. Once you practice workout three days in a week you will feel the difference.

Find out your BMI (Body Mass Index), and make sure that you have realistic goals. If you are within the normal range, don't beat yourself up if you are not in the lower portion of the chart. Normal is a healthy weight. If you are over-weight, or under-weight, you may want to have a doctor check you out. Be sure that there aren't any medical conditions that caused your increase or decrease of weight. Jot your beginning stats so that you have a record of far you have come.

You don't always have much say in what goes wrong in your body, but when you sense something is wrong, get it seen to as soon as you possibly can. On the other hand, practice preventive healthy living. Don't drink to excess, don't overeat, don't smoke. "Moderation in all things," is a good motto to live by, especially with advancing years.


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